Starting off a blog post is always the most difficult because I always want to start off saying how beautiful the bride looked, how awesome the groom was, waxing lyrically about the venue… and then have to stop myself and take a step back, think a little bit more about the couple themselves and and find the exact words to describe everything I took in through my eyes.
This time however.. I can honestly say that Roedolf and Liezel, your blog entry can only be started off by saying.. more visually stimulating than I could even hope for, Liezel, your style is classic, and you radiated sheer elegance. Roedolf, I dont favour light suits as a rule BUT your ensemble have converted me to definitely favour light suits. The flowers.. oh my word, the florist needs to get a blog entry on her own. The arrangement and combination of flowers are styles I have noticed in overseas weddings and was over the moon when I laid my greedy little eyes on these masterpieces.
Roedolf and Liezel will be moving to America shortly and I wish you guys the best of luck with this new exciting chapter in your lives. Liezel spent many years with her parents in America and will be moving back to old family and friends from many years ago – which Im sure will really feel like moving home.
Without a hitch, without any tension, without a hint of pressure and trouble – I had the awesome, and you have no idea really how awesome… experience of working with the two of you, your families and Nooitgedacht – it is with really fond memories that I want to show you exactly how beautiful you look together. How beautiful your love is.
Thanks to my assistant and second shooter, Michelle. And thanks to Liezel’s brother who showed me that I can actually still langarm – even after 10 years!
Love love love the light, with Roedolf’s attire and colouring – it all worked so well together
I am in love with this shot, and its the kind of love that I assume some people wont “get” why I enjoy it so much.. but I love it THAT MUCH. I literally feel giddy looking at it.
One of my favourites of the day
Liezel is so cute :)
This makes me happy… Liezel’s parents hugging in the background
The very dapper groom
Love these shots Michelle got of Liezel and her dad, entering the church – Dad whispering some words of wisdom or encouragement to his little girl
We started off the formal shoot with some gangster style
Which promptly became something to make fun of
And then turned to beauty and laughter
I heart about this move before I saw it.. Im impressed Roedolf, very
And I did like the hat… I did :)
And we caught the train – 1 minute earlier i was standing on those rails!
stunning fotos Retha!
wheny yur good yur good, love to see what you do in dubai.
You really did capture there personalities!!!!!
Amazing shots!!
Sjoe Retha, daar is sooooo baie mooies ek kan nie kies nie. Ek het al vreeslike boring shots by Nooitgedacht gesien, maar dié is gorgeous!!!
WOW.....ons is SO happy met ons fotos - nie dat ons getwyfel het nie! Dit was vir ons heerlik om jou by ons te he en net ons self te kon wees! Jy het elke oomblik perfek raak gesien en vas gele! Brilliant work lady!!!!! Ons wens jou die beste vir jou toekoms - jy verdien dit! L & R x
Stunning fotos! Love elke liewe een! Liezel jy is beautiful en Retha het jou elegansie perfek gecapture in elke foto! Wens jou en Roedolf tonne liefde en geluk toe!!!
I now know why Liezel said she wanted you to capture a spesific touch to her wedding photos. This is brilliant. Thank you so much and all the very best for the new adventure.
Baie dankie, vir die komplimente,rakende die blomme...ek kla altyd dat die fotograwe nie noodwendig die blomme afneem nie, of bloot as deel van die totale dekor, jy het my verkeerd bewys!!! Baie dankie, die foto`s is ongelooflik, elke liewe een j
Dankie so baie.. weereens, net 'n ander fotograaf sal verstaan hoe awesome dit is om 'n troue met gemak te te kan doen. So dankie aan julle, Liezel en Roedolf, dankie aan julle families, vriende - en dankie Judy, jou werk is fantasties. As 'n reel is die blomme en details belangrik vir alle fotograwe om af te neem, en form 'n groot deel van die dag se herhinneringe so dis jammer jou ondervinding voorheen was anders - ek weet dat al die fotograwe met wie ek vriende is net so baie sou fokus op jou kuns, verseker! xx
such a stunning couple and beautiful wedding!! The pictures are captured perfectly to reflect the mood of the day!
Stunning fotos Retha, job well done, en die decor en Judy se blomme was skitterend gedoen!
Liezel het my vertel dat jy Dubai toe trek, ek sal v jou 'n email stuur en met jou kwaliteit werk dink ek nie jy sal sukkel om werk te kry nie!
Hello Charl!! Asseblief stuur my 'n email, of hier is my Dubai nommer - 050 228 3474 , ek is hier, en Liezel het my gese julle vertrek oor 'n week of so, en ek sal baie baie baie baie graag iets wil doen met julle as julle sou belangstel :) Sms my of bel my seblief. Retha
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